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Happy New Digitalization Year!

In 2018 many firms and industries will embark on or continue on their digitalization journeys. A consequence is that firms’ resource bases are diversified into digital technologies, not seldom related to some form of information and communication technologies requiring collaboration and interoperability to reach their full potential. Technology and intellectual property (IP) strategy need to account for this change, by shifting some focus from core and enabling technologies and IP to complementary and substitute technologies and IP, and from proprietary control to controlled accessibility. Read our paper on how to adjust technology and IP strategy accordingly. It is available here, press download PDF at the top of the page for a free download of the paper:

Winning student team in innovation economics course


Marcus Holgersson and Ove Granstrand currently teach a course in innovation economics. Part of the course is a series of games, the “IME Award”, where student teams analyze problems and questions related to innovation economics. The team “Just in Case” has done a great job and won the competition. The winning team has, in competition with 17 other teams, proven excellent analytical skills within economic analysis of innovation. Congratulations to Jakob Dalenbäck, Erik Gedda, Axel Gerebrink, Anton Lindegren, and Justin Lundgren.


We are growing: Welcome Sarah van Santen

Sarah van Santen

Starting from June 2017, Sarah van Santen (MSc Organization Studies) joined the Innovation and Intellectual Property Research Group as a doctoral student at Chalmers University of Technology, department of Technology Management and Economics. Her research will focus on firms’ strategies of innovation and IP management in a variety of contexts, especially in digitalizing industries and with special interest in various forms of open innovation.

UC Berkeley Summer Program

Today Marcus Holgersson introduced the UC Berkeley Summer Program for Chalmers students. Over the course of this summer 37 Swedish students will take classes at UC Berkeley, visit some of the most interesting companies in Silicon Valley, and do projects on business development in startups.

Marcus comments: “Two years ago I started working on this program, and today I am really happy to finally see so many excited students here in Berkeley.”



Video summary of how IP management contributes to competitive advantage

Our researcher Marcus Holgersson was by PRV and Vinnova appointed to make a review of extant research on how management of intellectual property contributes to the competitive advantage of various actors within an innovation context. The results from the review are collected in a[intlink id=”791″ type=”post”]report[/intlink], and this short video summarizes the main findings (in Swedish). You can read more about the seminar at which the video was shown here:–hur-hanger-det-ihop/