Marcus Holgersson has received the “Teacher of the Year 2018” award from the students of the Industrial Engineering and Management Program for his teaching at Chalmers University of Technology. Marcus teaches courses in Innovation Economics and in Strategic Management and Economics of Intellectual Property. He received the award for his high quality teaching, for his passion for the subject, and for his ambition to make every student understand. He also received recognition for the valuable guest lectures that he organizes.
The motivation follows in Swedish: “Marcus har ett engagemang för sin kurs som smittar av sig på eleverna. Med sin kvalitativa undervisning samt passion för ämnet vill han att alla ska förstå, vilket kommer till uttryck i hans intressanta och inspirerande föreläsningar. Extra plus för de relevanta och givande gästföreläsningar han erbjuder studenterna att ta del av.”