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Digitalization and IP strategy


A new research project led by Marcus Holgersson and executed by Jacob Moos and Pontus Lundbladh in the Innovation and Intellectual Property research group explores how digitalization is affected by and affecting firms’ IP strategies. As digital technologies are increasingly embedded in products, processes and business models, large, industrial firms are faced with new IP strategy challenges. These include but are not restricted to how to manage new types of IP, such as data and software, and the related IP rights, how to design new IP-based business models when technologies and industries converge, and how to manage new sources of tension between collaborators and competitors.

The research is based on interviews with managers in some of the leading and most innovative industrial firms in the Nordics. It is a part of the larger project Intellectual property management in digitalizing businesses at Chalmers University of Technology which is supported by Vinnova, PRV, and the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation.

– Digitalization is related to opportunities as well as challenges for any firm and for many functions within the firm. To reach its full potential, the IP strategy and IP function needs to enable and support the digitalization process.

If you are interested in the topic and want to contribute with your viewpoints and experience, please reach out to the group:


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